
Combien coûte un déménagement à l'étranger en 2024?

Jip Verduijn

26 février 2024

Combien coûte un déménagement à l'étranger en 2024?

Jip Verduijn

26 février 2024

Combien coûte un déménagement à l'étranger en 2024?

Jip Verduijn

26 février 2024

Êtes-vous prêt à vous embarquer dans une aventure excitante et à déménager à l'étranger? Bien que l'idée de commencer à zéro dans un nouveau pays soit passionnante, il est essentiel de comprendre les coûts associés à un tel déménagement. Dans cet article de blog, nous vous guiderons à travers les facteurs qui influent sur les coûts de déménagement international et vous donnerons des conseils pour réduire les dépenses. Alors, attachez votre ceinture et plongeons dans le monde du déménagement international!

Table des matières

  1. Points clés

  2. Comprendre les variables : Facteurs influant sur le coût du déménagement international

  3. Répartition des coûts : Combien prévoir pour un déménagement à l'étranger

  4. Dépenses liées au déménagement international : Au-delà des bases

  5. Les déménageurs internationaux professionnels : Services et tarification

  6. Comparer les déménageurs internationaux : Avis, évaluations et accréditations

  7. De l'emballage aux animaux de compagnie : Guide complet de la relocalisation à l'étranger

  8. Votre liste de contrôle financière : Comprendre les visas, la douane et les taxes

  9. Coûts d'expédition de véhicules

  10. Solutions de stockage lors d'un déménagement international

  11. Conseils pour réduire les coûts de déménagement international

  12. Comment obtenir un devis précis pour un déménagement international

  13. Termes et concepts courants dans le déménagement international

  14. Résumé

  15. Questions fréquemment posées

Points clés

  • Comprendre les bonnes variables peut vous aider à budgétiser un déménagement à l'étranger.

  • Les prix des professionnels varient considérablement car différents services peuvent être offerts

  • Des conseils comme la réduction de la taille, la réservation anticipée et le fret maritime sont d'excellents moyens de réduire les coûts de déménagement.

Comprendre les variables : facteurs influant sur le coût du déménagement international

Alors, qu'est-ce qui détermine exactement le coût du déménagement de vos biens à l'étranger? Les principaux facteurs qui influent sur les coûts de déménagement international sont :

  • Distance

  • Taille de l'envoi

  • Méthode de transport

  • Frais de douane

  • Assurance

  • Visas

  • Hébergement temporaire

  • Stockage temporaire (si nécessaire)

Identifier la bonne entreprise de déménagement international est vital car seule une petite partie des sociétés de déménagement enregistrées ont une licence pour gérer les services maritimes.

De nombreuses sociétés de déménagement, ou réseaux de partenaires, proposent des services internationaux tels que l'emballage, le chargement et le déchargement. Il est important de prendre soigneusement votre décision parmi de nombreuses sociétés de déménagement international pour correspondre à votre budget et à vos besoins.

Répartition des coûts : combien prévoir pour un déménagement à l'étranger

Un déménagement international avec service complet comprend généralement des services tels que l'emballage et le déballage professionnels, une assurance d'expédition, une livraison porte-à-porte et le paiement des droits de douane. De plus, on peut opter pour des services supplémentaires tels que le stockage et la fabrication de caisses sur mesure. Le coût moyen d'un déménagement avec des services de déménagement international varie largement. Cela dépend du pays de destination, de la taille de l'envoi et de la méthode de transport. Par exemple, les coûts d'expédition pour un appartement de 2 chambres peuvent varier de 4000 $ à 10 000 $, tandis qu'une maison plus grande pourrait coûter de 8000 $ à 20 000 $ ou plus.

N'oubliez pas, ces chiffres représentent des coûts moyens. Une estimation internationale d'une société de déménagement fiable donnera un prix plus précis.

N'oubliez pas de prévoir des dépenses supplémentaires, telles que les frais de visa, les droits de douane du pays de destination et les taxes d'importation requises. Envisagez également d'acheter une couverture d'assurance supplémentaire pour vos biens. Une couverture d'assurance de base peut ne pas être suffisante pour couvrir la valeur totale de vos articles en cas de dommage ou de perte pendant le transport.

Dépenses liées au déménagement international : au-delà des bases

Lors de la planification de votre déménagement international, il y a plusieurs dépenses supplémentaires à prendre en compte. Quelques exemples incluent :

Assurez-vous de prévoir ces dépenses lors de la planification de votre déménagement international.

Le coût d'expédition d'un animal de compagnie à l'étranger peut augmenter en raison du dédouanement et des frais vétérinaires. Il est donc crucial de choisir une entreprise de déménagement international fiable et expérimentée. 

Enfin, ne négligez pas l'importance de l'assurance déménagement. Elle aide à protéger vos biens pendant leur déplacement et peut vous faire économiser de l'argent en cas de dommages ou de pertes pendant le déménagement. Les coûts d'assurance varient en fonction de la valeur de vos articles et du niveau de couverture que vous choisissez, alors assurez-vous de les intégrer dans votre budget de déménagement global.

Professional international movers: Services and pricing

Hopefully you have a better understanding of the factors affecting international moving costs. Let’s explore the services and pricing structures of professional international movers. These movers provide a range of services, including:

  • Packing

  • Shipping

  • Storage

  • Documentation help

  • Customs clearance

  • Delivery

The best international movers can give you a precise estimate, or at least an accurate range, on international moving costs and ensure your relocation goes smoothly.

Comparing international movers: Reviews, ratings, and credentials

It is crucial to check the ratings, reviews and credentials of international movers when comparing them.

In addition to reviews, examine the company’s experience, credentials, and customer service. This is to ensure you’re choosing the right international moving service for your needs.

Remember, when examining quotes from international movers, it’s vital to consider more than just the cost. Their reputation, customer service, and the services they offer should also be taken into account. By thoroughly researching and comparing multiple movers, you can feel confident in your decision and ensure a smooth and successful overseas relocation. Branche organizations where people often go to are IAM & FIDI.

From packing to pets: Comprehensive guide to overseas relocation

A successful overseas relocation involves careful planning and attention to detail. Begin by researching the culture, language, and laws of your new country, as well as the visa requirements and health care options.

Next, consider your packing, shipping, and storage needs, and whether you’ll require custom crating services for specific items.

If you’re bringing your pet along, research the rules and regulations of the destination country and the cost of pet transportation. Moreover, consider the social support you’ll have in your new country, including family, friends, and any potential language barriers.

Finally, ensure you have a thorough understanding of the education, healthcare, and tax implications of moving to a new country. These aspects can vary greatly in most countries.

Your financial checklist: Understanding visas, customs, and taxes

A vital aspect of planning your international move is creating a financial checklist that covers visas, customs, and taxes. First, research the visa requirements for your destination country and budget for the associated fees, which can range from $150 to $500.

Next, familiarize yourself with the customs duty charges and taxes for importing your belongings and vehicle. These costs are determined by the destination country and can greatly impact your overall moving expenses.

While international moving companies can offer advice on customs and taxes, the final costs are ultimately decided by your destination country. Therefore, it’s crucial to research these expenses in advance and factor them into your overall moving budget.

Vehicle shipping costs

Shipping a vehicle overseas can be a significant expense in your international move. The cost of shipping a car abroad starts around $700 and can get up to $4,000 or more, depending on the size of the car and the distance it needs to travel. Additionally, there may be extra costs associated with registering your car in your new country. Examples are obtaining a new driver’s license, registering the vehicle, and obtaining insurance.

If you’re considering shipping your car overseas, it’s important to balance the costs against the benefits. In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to sell your vehicle and purchase a new one in your destination country, depending on import taxes and duties.

Storage solutions during an international move

Storing your belongings during an international move can be a convenient solution, especially if you’re unsure about the duration of your stay. There are two main storage options to consider: international warehouse storage and public storage. Storage size, extra features and duration for which it is needed, all these factors play an important role in deciding the storage costs. For instance, climate control or extra security can add to these costs.

International warehouse storage is usually more expensive than public storage. This is due to the labor involved. Examples are forklifting your belongings and having a crew member uncrate them before putting them back in storage. Nonetheless, many storage companies provide discounts for extended usage. This  should be factored in when researching storage solutions. Public storage refers to storage facilities that are available for general use by individuals and businesses. These facilities are often located in urban areas and offer various storage options, such as storage units or spaces of varying sizes.

Customers typically rent a specific space within a public storage facility to store their personal belongings or business inventory. These spaces are usually self-service, meaning customers are responsible for loading and unloading their items themselves.

Tips for reducing international moving costs

There are several ways to reduce international moving costs, making your overseas move more affordable. One effective strategy is to downsize your belongings before the move. Selling, donating, or discarding items that you no longer need can significantly reduce the volume of your shipment, lowering your moving costs. Additionally, doing your own packing can save you money on professional packing services.

Another tip to save money and reduce moving costs is to book your move early and avoid peak moving seasons, as this can help you secure better rates and availability.

Lastly, consider opting for sea freight instead of air freight, as it is usually a more cost-effective option for transporting your belongings overseas. This is explained in the FAQ.

How to get an accurate international moving quote

Obtaining an accurate international moving quote is essential for budgeting your move and avoiding any unexpected expenses. To get an accurate quote, follow these steps:

  1. Reach out to a professional moving company and request a free estimate.

  2. When selecting a licensed international moving company, provide detailed information about your belongings and any special needs you may have.

  3. This will ensure the quote is as accurate as possible.

Comparing quotes from several trustworthy movers is crucial to securing the best deal for your move. Make sure to consider factors beyond the cost, such as the company’s reputation, customer service, and the services they provide. By doing your homework and gathering multiple quotes, you can confidently choose the right international mover and know the exact cost of your move.

  • CTA knop hoe je makkelijk aan offertes komt van bedrijven met een licentie.* 

Common terms and concepts in international moving

Navigating the world of international moving can be confusing, especially with the various terms and concepts used in the industry. Here is a list of common terms you may encounter during your move:

  1. Full-service moves: The moving company handles everything from packing, loading, transporting, and unloading your belongings.

  2. Partial moves: The moving company packs and loads your items, but you are responsible for transportation and unloading.

  3. Self-service moves: You handle all aspects of the move, including packing, loading, transportation, and unloading.

Moreover, understanding the paperwork required for international moving is crucial. This includes:

  • Passports

  • Visas

  • Customs forms

  • Other documents pertaining to your destination country

By understanding these terms and concepts, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the international moving process and ensure a smooth transition to your new home.


In conclusion, it’s crucial to understand the costs involved and plan accordingly. By researching international moving costs, comparing international movers, and considering additional expenses such as visas and customs fees, you can ensure a successful and stress-free move. And a tip from 

jip: Remember to downsize your belongings, get accurate moving quotes, and familiarize yourself with the terms and concepts of international moving. With thoughtful planning, your overseas relocation will be a smooth and enjoyable experience!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to move belongings to another country?

Moving to another country can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000+, depending on the services needed and method of transportation chosen. Professional packing and furniture disassembly, loading into a container for sea freight and air freight are among the most common services included in the cost.

What is the cheapest way to move belongings overseas?

When you're looking to move your belongings overseas, sea freight is the way to go - it's typically up to 16 times cheaper than air freight.

What are the main factors affecting international moving costs?

Moving internationally can be costly due to factors such as distance, shipment size, transportation method, customs fees, insurance, visas, and accommodation.

How can I get an accurate international moving quote?

To get an accurate international moving quote, provide a licensed moving company with detailed information about your belongings and any special needs.

What are the storage options during an international move?

When moving internationally, you have two primary storage options: international warehouse storage and public storage.


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